Senin, Januari 22, 2007

time is like a river that flow swift and sure in one direction

"we're all make mistakes. some are small, some are large"
kaileena - prince of persia the two thrones

"most people think time is like a river
that flow swift and sure in one direction"
prince of persia - prince of persia the two thrones

having finished playing the trilogy of prince of persia (id est.: the sands of time, warrior within, and the two thrones) and watched series Tru Calling, it makes me think that why would people want to reverse the time?

in PC game trilogy game of persia, the prince it self made mistakes by opening the sand gate with dagger of time. the sands infected people all around babylon and mess is all around. in warrior within, the prince try to undone his mistake by preventing the creation of sand of time itself. he thought that if there is no sand of time, there will be no messsing stuff in babylon. though, he's wrong. the old man said, what is written in fate cannot be changed. in last trilogy episode, prince was sure that babylon is stay in peacefull world, but he's wrong coz the fate of babylon is already written and it can't be change...

mistakes can't be undone, prince!

enough with game, now let see what Tru Davies' ability. she could relived the day. rewinding the day to save people that is taken not in their time. yupe! she thought that all people is died only if their time is come. those who died not in their time would asked her for help. funny though, but cool. imagine that you could change your time of death :) but, on last episodes Tru met Jack Harper whose same ability as hers. But, on contrary, as Third Newton Laws of Motion: every great force must have the opposite for balancing the universe. Tru tried to save people's live and prevent it to be happened while Jack ensure that everything is died as before they reliving the day.

well, those stories are imaginary. not in a chance to be happened it this real world. Islam taught the believer's that time is like sword, if you can't manage it, it will harm you. And it stated in Holy Qur'an in Surah Al 'Ashr (103:1-3): "[1]By the time of the afternoon! [2]Surely, the human is in a (state of) loss [3]except those who believe and do good works and charge one another with the truth and charge one another with patience."

yeah, time.. mostly human's problems are dealing with time. Some people wishes that as if they had enough time to do everything, some wishes that they could back thru time and fixed everything was wrong, and so on.

since the time is flowing to one direction only, let's manage our time wisely :) do something useful, anything that could be useful. learn everything you need to know. everything. all people has same time, i.e 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. why cant we do something that others can do?

mistakes can't be undone, prince!

oh, did i quote it again? :) yeah, this part... all mistakes that has been happened can't be undone, prince! let be happened, happened. mistakes could be accompanied by things called "forgiving", right? ask for their forgive. insulted by our infringed statement sometimes more and more painful than a scratch from a sword. a wound from a sword could be heal with some medicine, but where could you find a medicine if one's get insulted by us?

by the river of time that flow swift and sure in one direction, i would like to say:

happy islamic new year 1428H

i, personally, ask for your forgive for the mistakes i've done. may Allah gives us a better time this year

Rabu, Januari 17, 2007

gw masih nyantai lho... beneran.. :)

akhirnya kesampaian juga untuk ‘reuni’ kecil-kecilan dengan temen-temen kuliah gw meski baru awal tahun 2007, ada beberapa execuse untuk tidak bisa dateng dengan alasan sibuk :P hayo, siapa yg udah mulai sibuk di tahun 2007 ini silakan ngacung? :D

awalnya sih, direncanakan untuk menjadikan TIS Square sebagai TKP [tempat ketemuan peserta]. udah gw buatin petunjuknya bagi yang gak tau dimana TIS Square, dan gw sekali lagi tegaskan bahwa TIS Square ada di MT Haryono, bukan di TB Simatupang [hehehe, iya kan, ki?] gw sih gak keberatan ke sono, toh deket rumah kos. Lagian ada gadis mungil, eh ibu muda, yg ngakunya bisa dateng kalo di TIS Square. Alasannya simple, karena tempat itu tepat di depan kantornya...

pun demikian, secara yang lain keberatan karena jauh dan diluar kesepakatan awal yaitu di sekitar thamrin-sudirman, maka TIS Square dipindahkan ke EX. Pilihan gadis tinggi putih nan cantik yang dianggap sebagai pegawai negeri ini pun pupus sudah, karena senayan city juga nggak terletak di sudirman-thamrin J sori ya ca, gw tau lu ama cahyo blom ke pernah ke sana... kapan-kapan aja deh ke sensi-nya yak ;)

tapi, di luar rencana ternyata sang bintang tamu sudah datang duluan ke TKP. pun di awal perjanjian, secara konsensus kami sepakat untuk bertemu di EX, sang bintang tamu dari Italy ini memutuskan untuk menunggu di Starbucks Plaza Indonesia [inget ya ki, Plaza Indonesia, bukan EX :P]. ini pun memaksa seorang lulusan SMA terbaik di Magelang yang sudah makin tambun ini berjalan dari EX ke Plaza Indonesia. Gak begitu jauh kan, Yo? Hehehe

di Plaza Indonesia, itu udah kaya gerombolan bandit aja yg menuh-menuhin koridor. Ada yg bawa tas segede-gede gambreng, ada yg hobinya ngalangin jalanan orang.. karena masih juga belum bisa memutuskan dimana tempat yg bisa digunakan untuk menampung orang-orang yg ngobrolnya aja kaya berantem :P setelah menunggu didil dan istrinya nan cantik itu datang, kami mengambil alih beberapa meter persegi di sebuah sudut lapangan makanan yang bernama lada merah.

ini beberapa screenshot dari perhelatan akbar :P dibilang akbar karena biasanya yang ngumpul paling2 Cuma 4 orang, sekarang udah kaya konferensi black hat aja...

itu untuk gambar pasangan-pasangan baru kita, nah untuk gambar tampang-tampang narsis ada di bawah ini....

<-- dari kiri ke kanan: adri, veri (IF99), cahyo, cica, shinta, ekki, iqbal, yudis, didil, tintin

dari kiri ke kanan-->
yah, tebak aja lah ndiri... masih sama ini kok tampang-tampangnya :)

ada yang mo nambahin poto-potonya? eh, di atas itu tata bahasanya si shinta lho... jd gw cuma minjem gramarnya doang :)